“Mari Peduli Sesama , 5% Keuntungan Skin79bbc disumbangkan untuk kegiatan Amal Ibadah”


SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER Merk:Elastine , Bio Theraphy , Elastine , Ryo , Reen , Gung
Shampoo andalan Korea dengan kandungan utama ginseng , dan ramuan tradisional korea untuk membuat rambut sehat , lebat dan ternutrisi tanpa rasa lepek

#ELASTINE @1Rp 159.000,-(600ml)
 Perfume shampoo 
Elastine perfume conditioner(o)  # love me 600ml
Elastine perfume conditioner(o) # purebreeze 600ml

#KERASYS Rp 165.000,-
shampoo perfume Dan melembutkan 
- romantic purple shampoo 500ml - normal scalp
- romantic purple conditioner 500ml - normal scalp
-  pink blossom shampoo 500ml - normal scalp
- pink blossom conditioner 500ml - normal scalp
- refreshing plus shampoo 500ml - oily scalp
- refreshing plus conditioner  500ml - oily scalp


-  Perfect shining serum 70ml @115.000,-
(botol kuning diamond hologram)
- Perfect anti aging serum 70ml @115.000,- 
(botol ungu: digunakan sebagai hair tonic )

- Perfect Rich serum 70 ml@115.000,- 
(Botol merah marun)

# RYO- Bentuk Botol agak bulat  500ml@  Rp149.000,-/pc
RYO (RED – for damaged hair) hambit shampoo 500ml
RYO (Green – for oily scalp)  cheong-a shampoo 500ml
RYO (YELLOW- for volumizing)heukwoonmo shampoo 500ml

# RYO GINSENG - Bentuk Botol agak kotak@Rp 150.000,-/PCS 
shampoo ginseng anti aging Dan anti rontok +ginseng  penumbuh rambut + bunga khas kerajaan di Korea , untuk rambut kekurangan nutrisi dan rontok 
RYO - WHITE -ANTI AGING  (Oilyl Scalp ) shampoo 400ml 
RYO- BROWN- ANTI HAIR LOSS  Jinsengbo (Dry Scalp) shampoo 400ml
RYO -PURPLE - ANTI HAIR LOSS Jinsengbo (oily  Scalp) shampoo  400ml


Elastine treats your hair like skin

Looking after hair is as important as looking after skin.
Many people used to think cleansing is enough for hair care. Elastine has changed the thought to make people expect hair care should go beyond cleansing.
As a new paradigm in hair care, Elastine has been one of the leading premium hair cosmetic shampoo lines.

The perfect harmony between Beauty and Science
For women who are very concerned with their hair after skin, Elastine delivers tailor-made hair care depending on hair conditions and types.
Now, you can meet two types of Elastine at the same time: One based on progressive hair science created by the cutting-edge technology and accumulated know-how of LG Household & Healthcare Ltd, the other based on beauty concept.
With the perfect combination of beauty and science, Elastine shooting for new, innovative creation offers new version of hair products

Harga Rp 165.000,-
Shampoo dengan natural extract dan herbal alami korea  untuk menyegarkan kulit kepala , mencegah dan memperbaiki kerontokan rambut , dengan perfume tahan lama membuat rambut wangi sepanjang hari seperti memakai perfume rambut , 
tersedia shampoo dan conditioner dalam ukuran 500ml dengan varian : 
#ROMANTIC PURPLE - For All type hair 
#SWEET PINK BLOSSOM    - For All type hair 

type hair 

***Disclaimer : Hasil Positif yang didapatkan setiap orang bisa bervariasi  , informasi berikut hanya sebagai referensi saja

Mise en scene Perfect Hair  Serum 70ml
Harga Rp 149.000,-

Terdiri dari :
#Perfect  Repair Serum : for Damaged Hair 
#Perfect Rich Serum : for Very Dry &Damaged Hair 
#Perfect Shining  Serum : menambah kilap 2x lipat dari serum biasa
#Perfect Anti Aging  Serum : melebatkan rambut , mengurangi kerontokan, ujung berbentuk pipet untuk dioleskan pada akar rambut , dingin dan tidak berminyak, tidak membuat rambut lepek

Bagi yang bingung dengan perbedaan miss enscene serum: 
Untuk yang botol ungu. Adalah hair tonic untuk dipakai di akar rambut supaya mempercepat pertumbuban rambut. Juga mencegah kerontokan rambut. Serum hairtonic ini wangi banget jadi selain ternutrisi juga mencegah kebotakan jangka panjang 

Nah untuk versi serum lainnya.  Dipakai di pangkal rambut sampai ujung rambut. Pada saat rambut  basah setelah keramas . Nah rambut terkadang kusut dan susah disisir.  Nah dioleskan serum ini dulu supaya mudah disisir sehingga mencegah rontok lalu oleskan juga pada ujung rambut. Supaya rambut tidak mudah bercabang rusak akibat pewarnaan ataupun rusak karena styling ☺️  Di pangkal rambut 

Perfect serum rich 70ml @149
Botol merah marun 

- Perfect serum repair 70ml @149
Botol orange tua 

- Shining serum 70ml @149
Botol kuning yang seperti diamond 

- Anti aging serum 70ml @149 ( hairtonic utk akar rambut)
Botol ungu 

Serum rambut ajaib memperbaiki kerusakan rambut hanya dalam 3 hari saja ! mendapat penghargaan BEAUTY AWARD sebagai serum perawatan terbaik sejak tahun 2014 sampai sekarang , mengandung konsentrat serum vitamin untuk memperbaiki rambut rusak , kering , terlalu banyak di warnai dan terkena panas hairdryer sehingga mudah patah , bercabang bahkan rontok .Serum oil konsentrat vitamin untuk rambut mengandung argan, camellia, coconut, apricot, marula, jojoba, and olive oil, serum rambut yang sangat terkenal di Korea , dibintangi oleh shi min ah artis papan atas Korea di setiap drama .serum ini meningkatkan elastisitas dan kilau rambut , membuat rambut mudah diatur 
Cara Pakai : aplikasikan pada rambut bersih  yang basah , setelah di hairdryer atau kering   diaplikasikan kembali 
– High-enriched oil serum for damaged hair
– Contained argan, camellia, coconut, apricot, marula, jojoba, and olive oil
– It’s helpful to recover the damaged hair at High Concentrations of Argan Oil Serum.

Mise En Scene Perfect Light Serum 70ml – How to Use:

After shampoo and towel dry, apply appropriate amount on wet hair.
It’s better if applied at end of hair after dry
Perfect care for extreme damaged hair in just 3 DAYS!!!
Contain high concentration serum for extremely bad hair caused by perm or dye.
- Moisturizing 
- Gloss improvement
- Tangle improvement
- Elasticity improvement

How to use:
Apply the amount (size of coin) to wet hair evenly and dry the hair. It is better to apply once again after dry

Major ingredients
7 kinds of oil cocktail (argan, camellia, madulla, olive, jojoba, coconut, apricot)
Product description
Hair serum giving healthy care for damaged hair.
Coat each hair stand with 7 kinds of oil cocktail giving non sticky silky hair.
Give volume and shine, elasticity moisturized hair.
1)Strength 2)Tangle 3)Roughness 4)Elasticity 5)Luster 6)Moist 7)Split
  for dry, frizzy, and unmanageable hair
  for thin and weak hair
  for severely damaged Hair by frequent dyeing and bleaching, plit and cut off


Hair loss has become an increasingly common challenge for women of all ages around the world. Ryo was born to help find treatments for challenges such as damaged scalp, dandruff, and dryness. As a premium hair care brand we successfully deliver fundamental nutrients to the hair and scalp through the carefully selected Korean herbal ingredients such as Korean ginseng, green tea, camellia and soybeans. Our shampoos and conditioners use herbal remedies to treat a variety of hair health concerns. Since its first launch, Ryo has continued to grow in popularity and released diverse products such as its Jayangyunmo(anti hair loss and scalp care), Hambitmo(damage care) and Ginsengbo(anti-aging hair and scalp care).




Secret hair recipe with Korean medicine from the Royal palace that treats the root for the luxuriant hair

ReEn, the secret hair recipe with Korean medicine for beautiful luxuriant hair.
ReEn is derived from the word "oriental", combining the word Re (meaning "again") and En (meaning "enable"), with a meaning of restoring and energizing the unbalanced hair to its original condition with luxuriant and healthy hair.
ReEn is the first oriental hair care brand for the mass market that provides Asians' luxuriant and healthy hair that the world dream of.

Ryo Purple -Shampoo for Oily Hair 400mlAnti-Hair Loss Shampoo 400ml (Oily Scalp)kekuatan ginseng untuk memperbaiki rambut rontok  , cocok untuk kulit kepala berminyak

Ryo White -Jinsaengbo Total-aging Shampoo for Oily Hair 400ml- white color bottle ryo : kekuatan ginseng untuk memperbaiki kerusakan rambut dan mempertebal rambut  , cocok untuk kulit kepala berminyak

Ryo Calamus Scalp & Shining Shampoo 500ml

Shampoo untuk menghilangkan ketombe maupun mencegah ketombe , cocok untuk daerah tropis indonesia yang pada umumnya cuaca panas menyebabkan  kulit kepala yang berminyak , rambut cepat lepek dan kusam , ryo calamus mengembalikan kulit kepala yang sehat dan tidak berketombe ,
kalau berketombe terus kulit kepala menjadi menipis dan rambut lebih mudah rontok loh , karena itu perlu banget shampoo yang tepat ^^

Ryo hair products are hot selling items in Korea. They collect the excellence of ancient Korean women’s way of protecting the hair. Calamus Scalp & Volume Shampoo is ideal for oily hair. It removes dandruff, nourishes the scalp. There will not be any itchy feeling.

Multiple effects:
-Deep cleansing: The formula contains calamus extract. It effectively controls excess oil and removes dandruff.
-Nourishing: It provides intense hydration to the scalp, which reduces the itchy feeling.
-Soothing and shining: The formula contains sensitive plant extract, which soothes the scalp and resists irritation. Your hair will be shining all the time.

1. Shine & vitality
2. Nourish hair
3. Damage hair care
4. For oily scalp


Ryo Evening Promise Scalp & Volume Shampoo 500ml

cocok untuk semua jenis kulit kepala

shampoo untuk menyehatkan rambut , menambah kilau rambut juga menambah volume rambut , jadi tidak lepek dan kusam,  praktis , rambut menjadi bercahaya dan mengembang tanpa harus di blow lama

Formula baru dengan ekstrak evening primrose (Oenothera) membantu melembabkan rambut yg kering dan mengurangi rambut rontok, melindungi rambut terutama di bawah sinar matahari dan mengembalikan vitalitas rambut yg rusak karena pewarnaan. Shampoo ini membersihkan kulit kepala dengan lembut, memberi nutrisi dan membuat rambut terlihat sehat dan secara signifikan meningkatkan jumlah rambut, membuat rambut lebih tahan.

Cara menggunakan :
1. Basahi kulit kepala dan rambut menggunakan air hangat.
2. Terapkan jumlah yang cukup dan busa busa untuk kulit kepala dan rambut saat memijat.
3. Bilas dengan air hangat secara menyeluruh.

    · Supplying nutrition to scalp and Care for hair volume

    · Strenghtening hair and hair root from Ginseng extract

    · Hair care(Camellia oil contains)

    · Keeping scalp clean & Balancing scalp's sebum and moisture

     (Pine needles, Cnidium extracts contain)

The new formula with extract of evening primrose (Oenothera) helps relieve dryness and hair breakage, especially in the sun or damaged by staining and also helps to combat hair loss. Shampoo gently cleanses the scalp, nourishes and gives hair a healthy look and significantly increases the amount of hair, making hair more resilient.
For dry scalp

How to use :
1. Wet the scalp and hair using lukewarm water.
2. Apply adequate amount and lather bubbles for scalp and hair while massaging.
3. Rinse off with lukewarm water throughly.

#ryo #ryoshampoo
