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jual kosmetik korea grosir 100% original importir langsung pabrik - free ongkir se indonesia -PRECIOUS Super Soft Cleansing Brush -

***Disclaimer : Hasil Positif yang didapatkan setiap orang bisa bervariasi  , informasi berikut hanya sebagai referensi saja

PRECIOUS Super Soft Cleansing Brush - MUST HAVE ITEMS!! editor choice!!
Harga Rp 100.000 /pc , 
GROSIR : Rp 55.000 - /pc
Tersedia warna # white # pink

Penjelasan Produk : “ brush kualitas tinggi dengan super soft synthetic hair , bisa digunakan untuk pemakaian 1 tahun “
Nose cleansing brush adalah sikat pembersih khusus untuk daerah  yang sulit dijangkau oleh cleansing  brush/ sikat pembersih  umumnya, Dengan bulu sikat yang lembut ,  cocok untuk kulit sensitif  , gunakan pada sisi hidung , kelopak mata dan alis
Desain berbentuk pen , nyaman  digunakan dan  tepat sasaran di daerah penumpukan komedo.

Cara pakai Cleansing brush : pada wajah dan sikat  yang sudah dibasahi, tuang foam pada brush , busakan sikat wajah , lanjutkan dengan menyikat sekuruh bagian wajah , bilas dengan air bersih .
Safety for Everday Use

•Deep cleans pores while exfoliating dead skin
•Overwhelmingly popular with beauty experts
•make improvement in skin tone and texture,
  fewer blackheads
•Great treatment for Acne
•Overall a great skincare cleansing tool
•Works well with any cleansers
Cleanses 6x better than the manual cleansing
Remove all residues and dirt on face effectively than manual cleansing
Remove all residues and dirt on face effectively than manual cleansing

Cleansing brush recommended by dermatologists, estheticians and spa professionals, transforming the skin care industry, one pore at a time. To boost results of both professional and at home skin care regimens.  The Brush  action loosens dirt and oil, removing deep-seated impurities from pores and  priming skin to better absorb topical treatments.

Day and night, skin is subject to oil, perspiration, debris, makeup, and environmental pollutants. These combine to make a sticky, stubborn pore-clogging film that can make the skin look unhealthy, feel rough, and become irritated, while acting as a barrier to
skincare products . The brushes works to loosen dirt and oil, removing deep-seated impurities from pores and priming skin to better absorb topical treatments.

Our mission is to beautifully transform skin.